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PubMed & RefWorks

Step-by-step guide to exporting citations from PubMed (Medline) into RefWorks.

  1. Conduct a search in PubMed to generate a results list.
  2. Select the items of interest on the results list.  Check mark the items.
  3. Select "Send to".
  4. Select "Citations manager".
  5. Click "Create File".
  6. Save file in location you can easily locate.
  7. Login to your RefWorks account with your username and password.
  8. Click on the “+” icon at top of page found next to “folder” icon. Select “import references”.
  9. Import the file that was downloaded (might be found in your downloads). Example: Click on Select file from computer >> downloads >> citations.nbib
  10. Make sure the file says NLM PubMed.
  11. Select “import”.
  12. Select “ok”.
  13. If you see the “downloaded file” on the task bar (Google Chrome shows it), you can drag the file to the “drop here section. Article will load. 
  14. RefWorks will show the files imported. 

PubMed to RefWorks

Short video showing how to export material into RefWorks.

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