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Money and Finances

Books -- Money/Finance

Don't forget to check your local public library for more titles on this topic.

Credit Score Info

Consumer Protection -- Money / Finance Related

Saving : Start Now!

It is never to early to save for retirement! The earlier you start, the more compounding you get -- this is key!!


Unclaimed Funds

Sources to look for unclaimed property -- this includes forgotten accounts.


Learn about budgeting, wise shopping and being frugal.

Global Economy

Financial & Business News on the Net

Women & Finances

Resources listed on these guides are compiled by librarians at the R.A. Williams Library. We accept content recommendations, and after review, may include suggested resources on a guide. Our time is limited, so we generally do not reply to unsolicited recommendations from individuals not affiliated with AdventHealth University or notify them regarding whether or not we have linked to suggested content.