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Nursing (Undergraduate)

General Search Tips

  1. State what you need in a sentence.
  2. Select keywords from your statement.
  3. Use these keywords as search terms.
  4. If searching a phrase, enclose the phrase in "quotation marks". (not all databases offer this feature)
  5. Use truncation * , if relevant --- example: nurs* ; therap* ; librar* (not all database offer the truncation feature)

Nursing Focused Databases

These databases index and often offer full-text articles from many great nursing journals:

Google Scholar

Google Scholar Search

Nursing related journals

Here are some nursing journals --- use the Journal A-Z list or Ulrich's Periodical Directory for more titles --

Advances in Nursing Science Journal

Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing

Journal of Advanced Nursing

Journal of Nursing Scholarship

Journal of Professional Nursing

Nursing Science Quarterly

Online Journal of Nursing Informatics

Western Journal of Nursing Research


Information about the Digital Objective Identifier (DOI)

What is the DOI?

Resources listed on these guides are compiled by librarians at the R.A. Williams Library. We accept content recommendations, and after review, may include suggested resources on a guide. Our time is limited, so we generally do not reply to unsolicited recommendations from individuals not affiliated with AdventHealth University or notify them regarding whether or not we have linked to suggested content.