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HIST 174 & 175 World Civilization I & II: Overview

Resources for history class.


Welcome World Civ Students --

A collage of four images -- (clockwise from top left) a sculpture of the head of Odysseus; Chinese calligraphy of The Great Learning in Confucianism; a painting of Krishna giving spiritual instructions (i.e. Bhagavad Gita) to Arjuna at Kurukshetra battlefield; and the Quran in Andalusi script -- representing selections of classics across different cultures, regions, and time. (Photo credits, also clockwise from top left: public domain; courtesy of Fu-Min YangAsaf BravermanUltraLeft on Flickr.)


Databases w/History Info

These databases might be a place to start when looking for articles related to history topics. Please note that many of these databases include book titles.

Primary vs Secondary Sources

Resources listed on these guides are compiled by librarians at the R.A. Williams Library. We accept content recommendations, and after review, may include suggested resources on a guide. Our time is limited, so we generally do not reply to unsolicited recommendations from individuals not affiliated with AdventHealth University or notify them regarding whether or not we have linked to suggested content.