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NURS 230 Health Promotion and Wellness

Resources that might be used or mentioned in this course

Finding Journal Articles

Short videos 

These videos can assist with helping you become more familiar with locating journal articles for your assignments.

Peer Review Explained

Source: North Carolina State University / You Tube

Peer Review Explained by NCSU.

Focus to Nursing Journals

How do I focus to nursing journals when searching for articles? 

  • Using the different journal databases or OneSearch

  • One of the search boxes type “nursing” OR nurs*”

  • Nurs* will look for nurse, nurses, nursing

  • Change “Select a Field” box or ANYWHERE box next to search box in database to SO Publication Title OR Publication Title.

  • In PubMed database type “nurs*”[journal] in search box

Confirming Journal is Peer-Reviewed or Refereed

How do I know if a journal is Peer-Reviewed or Refereed?

  • Two main ways:

1. Visit Ulrich’s Periodical Directory

    • Steps to Ulrich’s : Library homepage >> Databases >> Scroll to Ulrich’s

    • Look for “black/white jersey” symbol

2. Google the Journal Name.

  • Go directly to Journal Publisher’s website.

  • Look in the “About” section for description saying “peer-reviewed” or Refereed.

  • Example: Journal of Nursing Administration efault.aspx

Parts of a Research Article

Primary research articles or sometimes also called Original research articles tend to have a certain format --

Look for certain headings -- this is not all the time but often


Introduction / background


Results / Findings

Conclusion / Summary

Also look for the "number of participants" in the study

Review articles are NOT primary research they are "summaries" --- no meta-analysis, no systematic reviews, no scoping reviews. 


There are 2 handouts under the handouts tab that might be useful --- Parts of a Research Article, Finding Scholarly Journal Articles.


Other Helpful Resource Guides

Possible other guides that might be helpful for this course. 

Resources listed on these guides are compiled by librarians at the R.A. Williams Library. We accept content recommendations, and after review, may include suggested resources on a guide. Our time is limited, so we generally do not reply to unsolicited recommendations from individuals not affiliated with AdventHealth University or notify them regarding whether or not we have linked to suggested content.