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REST is important in everyone's life -- Spiritual rest, physical rest and mental rest.

Sabbath Rest

REST -- Info

  1. Get creative. Rest can help your brain solve problems. A study at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine found that rapid eye movement (REM) sleep stimulates new networks in the brain, essentially allowing pieces of information to be connected in new and different ways.
    1. 4 Surprising Benefits of Rest. (2015, May 28). Retrieved from
  1. Stay healthy. Sleep produces molecules that help strengthen our ability to fight infection. They help our cells repair and mend our body when we have been exposed to infectious microorganisms and toxins.
    1. Moore, L. (2015, Oct 21). Health checkup: The many benefits of rest. Rochester Democrat and Chronicle Retrieved from
  1. Ace those tests. While we sleep, memories and skills are shifted to more efficient and permanent brain regions, making for higher proficiency the next day.
    1. 12 Amazing Benefits and the Importance of Rest and Sleep | Relationship Between Sleep and Stress. (2018, September 14). Retrieved from
  1. Don’t worry, be happy. Research shows that there is a direct correlation between sleep quality and overall happiness. Studies also suggest that a good night’s sleep helps foster both mental and emotional resilience.
    1. 12 Amazing Benefits and the Importance of Rest and Sleep | Relationship Between Sleep and Stress. (2018, September 14). Retrieved from
  1. Bon appétit. Getting enough sleep helps you eat less calories because sleep deprivation disrupts the daily fluctuations in appetite hormones.
    1. 12 Amazing Benefits and the Importance of Rest and Sleep | Relationship Between Sleep and Stress. (2018, September 14). Retrieved from
  1. In the clear. Relaxing can help clear up skin problems linked to stress, such as acne or psoriasis.
    1. Klein, S. (2014, August 14). 10 Health Benefits Of Relaxation. Retrieved from
  1. Keep it light. Natural sunlight or bright light during the day helps keep your circadian rhythm healthy. In people with insomnia, daytime bright light exposure improved sleep quality and duration, and reduced the time it took to fall asleep by 83%.
    1. Mawer, R. (2018, November 2). 17 Proven Tips to Sleep Better at Night. Retrieved from
  1. Don’t be blue. Blue light — which electronic devices like smartphones and computers emit in large amounts — reduces hormones like melatonin, which help you relax and get deep sleep. Try turning off your TV and any bright lights two hours before bed.
    1. Mawer, R. (2018, November 2). 17 Proven Tips to Sleep Better at Night. Retrieved from
  1. Reduce caffeine. One study showed that consuming caffeine up to six hours before bed significantly worsened sleep quality. Try not to drink coffee after 3 p.m., or stick to decaf.
    1. Mawer, R. (2018, November 2). 17 Proven Tips to Sleep Better at Night. Retrieved from
  1. Be consistent. Irregular sleep patterns can alter your circadian rhythm. Try to get into a regular sleep/wake cycle — especially on the weekends. If possible, try to wake up naturally at a similar time every day.
    1. Mawer, R. (2018, November 2). 17 Proven Tips to Sleep Better at Night. Retrieved from
  1. Set up your space. Optimize your bedroom environment by eliminating external light and noise to get better sleep. Room temperature is also important because your body temperature decreases to initiate sleep. Temperatures between 65 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit are ideal to facilitate this and improve your sleep quality.
    1. Mawer, R. (2018, November 2). 17 Proven Tips to Sleep Better at Night. Retrieved from
    2. Best Temperature for Sleep. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  1. Get moving. Regular exercise during daylight hours is one of the best ways to ensure a good night's sleep. In people with severe insomnia, exercise reduced time to fall asleep by 55%, total night wakefulness by 30% and anxiety by 15% while increasing total sleep time by 18%.
    1. Mawer, R. (2018, November 2). 17 Proven Tips to Sleep Better at Night. Retrieved from


Rest and Rejuvenation

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