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Nuclear Medicine Technology (BS)

Key databases to try for articles

After using OneSearch and maybe Google Scholar these journal databases can help with locating articles: 

Nuclear Medicine Journals --- key titles

The Assn that publishes these titles allows access to many issues for "free" directly from the assn home page.

This is great!

Google Scholar

Google Scholar Search

How to Find Journal Titles related to Nuclear Medicine

Two ways to locate journals related to Nuclear Medicine

1st Way: Go to Online Journals 

Library Home Page >> Find >> Online Journals

Under Browse by Subject -- Select Nuclear Medicine from the medical subject category.

2nd Way: Use OneSearch -- Advanced Search -- Click on Options

Library Home Page >> Click on OneSearch tab

Selects Options.near search box 

Type in Nuclear Medicine in search box.

Change All Fields to Subject Terms next to Nuclear Medicine box.

Limit to Full-text, Peer-review, Journal article

Review results -- a variety of journal titles will show. 


Nuclear Medicine related journals

Here are a few sample journal titles related to nuclear medicine --- more titles are available in the different journal databases.

Applied radiology

Clinical nuclear medicine

The Journal of nuclear medicine

Journal of nuclear medicine technology

Nuclear medicine and biology

Nuclear medicine and molecular imaging

Seminars in nuclear medicine

Impact Factor & Journal Metrics

Journal Metrics & Rankings

Journals are often "ranked" by different tools. The "impact factor" by Journal of Citation Reports is one of the more popular rankings.

There are other "ranking" systems ---  SJR, Eigenfactor, JANE, and others.

Resources listed on these guides are compiled by librarians at the R.A. Williams Library. We accept content recommendations, and after review, may include suggested resources on a guide. Our time is limited, so we generally do not reply to unsolicited recommendations from individuals not affiliated with AdventHealth University or notify them regarding whether or not we have linked to suggested content.